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Voting & Elections 10.17.2018

What’s Behind All Those DMV Voter-Registration Snafus? ‘Motor Voter’ May Have Launched With Makeshift Computer System

Instead of the properly integrated computer program that was needed, the agency launched in April with disparate computer systems that didn’t automatically link together, according to advocates who have been working closely with the DMV on the new “motor voter” system. That meant DMV workers had to manually link information from various systems during transactions between April and September, when an integrated system was put in place, said Kathay Feng, executive director of California Common Cause.

Money & Influence 11.10.2015

Report Shows that California Can Strengthen Protections Against Public Corruption

California’s C- grade in the 2015 State Integrity Investigation shows that our state has more work to do in order to guard against corruption.

Voting & Elections 10.11.2015

Governor Signs “California New Motor Voter Program” into Law

Today Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1461, also known as the California New Motor Voter Program.

Voting & Elections 03.30.2015

Solving Low Turnout

How do you solve a problem like low voter turnout? This is the first question that California’s new Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s asked when he took office earlier this year.

Voting & Elections 03.24.2015

California Common Cause Supports Automated Pathways for Voter Registration

As California Common Cause continues our work to increase public participation throughout the state, we welcome Secretary of State Alex Padilla’s willingness to explore new models for voter registration with the goal of expanding the political franchise to include 100% of eligible CA voters.

Money & Influence 12.23.2014

State Legislators Received $265,000 in Gifts, $580,000 in Travel Payments

A report released today by California Common Cause examines personal financial statements submitted by California state legislators. It highlights the extent to which politicians receive gifts from special interests and the extent to which they repurpose surplus campaign funds for their own personal benefit.

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