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Money & Influence 03.14.2016

CA Common Cause Welcomes Legislation to Modernize California’s Campaign Finance Disclosure Website

Today Sen. Bob Hertzberg (D - Van Nuys) announced his intention to advance legislation to modernize California’s campaign finance disclosure system.

Money & Influence 01.11.2016

Report Highlights Need for Improvements to California’s Campaign Finance Disclosure Website

New National Institute on Money in State Politics report highlights reforms needed to bring greater transparency and accountability to California’s political system.

Money & Influence 11.10.2015

Report Shows that California Can Strengthen Protections Against Public Corruption

California’s C- grade in the 2015 State Integrity Investigation shows that our state has more work to do in order to guard against corruption.

Voting & Elections 10.13.2015

Governor Signs Expanded Same Day Registration Law

Today Governor Brown signed into law Senate Bill 439, authored by Senator Ben Allen, which will expand the availability of same-day voter registration in the 14 days leading up to election day. Same-day registration allows an eligible voter to register to vote then vote on the same day in the two weeks leading up to an election.

Voting & Elections 10.11.2015

Governor Signs “California New Motor Voter Program” into Law

Today Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1461, also known as the California New Motor Voter Program.

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