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Ethics 07.22.2014

LA City Ethics Commission Approves Recommendations to Strengthen Public Financing System

Today the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission approved recommended changes to the matching funds program that would increase the match rate to 6:1 for both primary elections and general elections.

Ethics 07.22.2014

State Officials Received $200,000 in Gifts, Millions in Behests California Common Cause Report Highlights How Officials Benefit from Loopholes

A report released by California Common Cause examines personal finance statements submitted by California officials and highlights the extent to which gifts are used by interest groups and campaign slush funds to personally benefit policymakers. - See more at: http://www.kintera.org/site/apps/nlnet/content2.aspx?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=6391549&ct=13536659#sthash.Z2TSiuQY.dpuf

Ballot Initiative Transparency Act -- to CLARIFY and SIMPLIFY California's initiative process -- Passes Senate Committee

With nearly eight in 10 California voters supporting improvements to the state's initiative process that increase clarity and provide voters more information, SB 1253 (Steinberg) was approved Tuesday by the State Senate's Elections Committee.

Voting & Elections 07.22.2014

California Common Cause Urges Top Elections Officials and Candidates to "Stand Up for Everyone's Right to Vote"

"President Obama reminded Americans that ‘citizenship means standing up for everyone's right to vote,'" stated Leila Pedersen, Policy Coordinator at Common Cause California.

Money & Influence 07.22.2014

Governor Brown Signs SB 27 -- Sheds Light on Dark Money

Today Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 27, reforming the Political Reform Act of 1974 to further regulate campaign financing, adding the requirement that committees disclose donors of $1000 or more where those donations were solicited for the purpose of making contributions or expenditures in California.

Money & Influence 07.22.2014

Coalition of Advocates to Screen "Inequality for All" for State Lawmakers

California Calls, California Labor Federation, CA Common Cause, Courage Campaign, Policy Link, and SEIU Local 1000, will be screening the documentary Inequality for All for a group of state lawmakers this evening in the State Capitol.

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