
Featured Resource
The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030


The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030

The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030 provides a detailed summary of the conclusions from the first ever convening of people-led redistricting commissioners from across the country.
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Der kalifornische Traum


Der kalifornische Traum

Ein Bericht aus dem Jahr 2023: Öffentliche Wahlfinanzierung zum Aufbau einer inklusiven und multiethnischen Demokratie mit Unterstützung kleiner Spender

How California Expanded Voter Access During a Pandemic


How California Expanded Voter Access During a Pandemic

The report, “Golden State Democracy: How California Expanded Voter Access During a Pandemic” shares the story of how California prepared for the 2020 general election in the midst of the pandemic. The report also shares the top election issues that took place in the last cycle. California Common Cause had over 500 volunteer poll monitors observe the voting process at over 1,200 locations in the general election in 5 Southern California counties. “Golden State Democracy” shares key observations from our poll monitors, including areas of...

Consolidation of Elections


Consolidation of Elections

In 2015, California Common Cause was a lead supporter of the California Voter Participation Rights Act (SB 415, Hueso). This report finds that voter turnout in municipal elections tripled, on average, in cities across California that consolidated their elections from off-cycle dates to on-cycle dates.

Wir ziehen die Linien


Wir ziehen die Linien

Dieser Leitfaden gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Regeln zur Neugliederung der Wahlkreise und Schritte zur Beteiligung am Neugliederungsprozess. Laden Sie den Bericht herunter oder sehen Sie ihn sich unten an.

Roadmap for Local Redistricting in California


Roadmap for Local Redistricting in California

This guide gives an overview to new legal requirements and best practices for local redistricting in California. Download the Roadmap or view it below.



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