
Featured Resource
The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030


The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030

The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030 provides a detailed summary of the conclusions from the first ever convening of people-led redistricting commissioners from across the country.
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LA City Voter Turnout Analysis


LA City Voter Turnout Analysis

Getting to 100: How Moving Elections to Even Years Increased Voter Participation in Local Elections October 2020

Erreichen von Wählern mit geringer Neigung bei den Wahlen im November 2020


Erreichen von Wählern mit geringer Neigung bei den Wahlen im November 2020

Der Bericht „Erreichen von Wählern mit geringer Wählerneigung bei den kalifornischen Wahlen im November 2020“ untersucht, inwieweit sich die Wähler ihrer Wahlmöglichkeiten bewusst sind, welche Wahloptionen ihnen am besten gefallen und wie sie auf vorhandene Materialien zur Wählerinformation reagieren.

The focus groups included low-propensity and first-time voters from Spanish, Tagalog, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Korean, and Hmong language communities, and English-speaking youth, including many first-generation voters. Participants ranged in age and represented most major metropolitan areas across California, with...

Common Cause Releases Report on Los Angeles County’s New Voting System in March 2020 Primary Election


Common Cause Releases Report on Los Angeles County’s New Voting System in March 2020 Primary Election

Common Cause deployed poll monitors to more than 150 Los Angeles County vote centers on Election Day and in the early vote period. In this report, we detail our findings and provide 36 recommendations for improving the voting system in Los Angeles County for the November 2020 election and beyond.

Letter to CA Citizens Redistricting Commission Regarding Selection of Remaining Commissioners


Letter to CA Citizens Redistricting Commission Regarding Selection of Remaining Commissioners

As you are aware, the random drawing to select the first eight commissioners resulted in zero Latinos
being selected.

In a state where Latinos comprise nearly 40 percent of the total population and nearly one third of its
citizen voting age population, a lack of Latino representation on the Commission would be unacceptable.
Fortunately, you have the power, and the legal obligation, to rectify the dramatic underrepresentation of
Latinos when you make your determinations regarding the final six...

Common Cause Signs Amicus Letter Urging CA Supreme Court to Extend Redistricting Deadlines


Common Cause Signs Amicus Letter Urging CA Supreme Court to Extend Redistricting Deadlines

Due to COVID-19 delaying the 2020 Census, redistricting advocates including former Gov. Schwarzenegger, Common Cause and the League of Women Voters of California sign an amicus letter urging the California Supreme Court to extend redistricting deadlines. This will preserve the drawing of new voting maps for the next decade.

California Motor Voter Program


California Motor Voter Program

California Motor Voter automatically registers all eligible Californians who complete a driver’s license, identification card (ID), or change of address transaction online, by mail, or in person, unless they opt out. The program streamlines the voter registration process at the DMV and makes registering to vote more convenient for Californians. For questions, contact Kiyana Asemanfar, Policy Outreach Coordinator.

Kalifornischer Kommunaldemokratieindex


Kalifornischer Kommunaldemokratieindex

Der Municipal Campaign Finance Index (MCFI) ist eine geordnete Auflistung der Wahlkampffinanzierungsgesetze in allen kalifornischen Städten. Der Index und der dazugehörige Bericht liefern umfassende Daten und Kontexte zur kommunalen Wahlkampffinanzierungslandschaft Kaliforniens.

Local Campaign Contribution Limits


Local Campaign Contribution Limits

The Supreme Court has held that campaign contribution limits are a legitimate means of “deal[ing] with the reality or appearance of corruption inherent in a system permitting unlimited financial contributions.” Campaign contribution limits help to ensure that candidates are not overly reliant on a few wealthy donors to finance their campaigns. With a cap on individual contributions, candidates must also build a broader base of smaller contributions to be viable. As of 2014, the federal government and 38 states had enacted campaign...

Money Talks: The State of Public Financing in California


Money Talks: The State of Public Financing in California

The need for restructuring our campaign finance system has never been so dire. One reform with particular promise is the use of public funds to amplify the voice of everyday citizens in political campaigns. Public Financing helps to reduce corruption, hold politicians accountable and create a government of, by, and for the people.

Auf dem Weg zu 100%: Wie eine Änderung des Wahltermins die Wahlbeteiligung verbessern kann


Auf dem Weg zu 100%: Wie eine Änderung des Wahltermins die Wahlbeteiligung verbessern kann

Einer der wichtigsten Indikatoren für das abnehmende Engagement der Bürger in der amerikanischen Politik ist die sinkende Wahlbeteiligung bei Bundes-, Staats- und Kommunalwahlen. Es gibt viele mögliche Faktoren, die dazu beitragen: allgemeiner Zynismus gegenüber der Regierung und gewählten Amtsträgern, ein Rückgang der Investitionen in die politische Bildung und eine zunehmend flüchtige Gesellschaft. Doch es gibt einen Hauptfaktor, der zu geringer Beteiligung beiträgt.
Die Wählerbeteiligung – also der Wahlzeitpunkt – könnte durch eine relativ einfache politische Änderung angegangen werden.

Das Public Policy Institute ...



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