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CITED: First Amendment Notes


CITED: First Amendment Notes

AB 2839 and AB 2655 are narrowly tailored and carefully crafted to address the worst election disinformation without compromising free speech, inhibiting our political conversation, or inadvertently compromising harmless content.
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30 Results


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Not so fast! Watchdog commission puts brakes on efforts to increase donor limits for legislative leaders


Not so fast! Watchdog commission puts brakes on efforts to increase donor limits for legislative leaders

In a 2-2 vote by the California Fair Political Practices Commission last week, the commission declined to endorse a proposal that would give greater power and fundraising ability to state legislative leaders, while creating new reporting requirements.  Common Cause California and other open government groups warned against fast-track approval of the proposal. 

Will the Los Angeles Ethics Commission Commit to a Stronger Campaign Public Financing System?


Will the Los Angeles Ethics Commission Commit to a Stronger Campaign Public Financing System?

This Tuesday, the Los Angeles Ethics Commission is expected to vote on new recommendations to city campaign finance laws. But after all the talk and all the studies, it’s not even clear that they will be discussing a ban on corporate donations or a boost to public financing.

Sacramento eröffnet sein erstes Wahlzentrum


Sacramento eröffnet sein erstes Wahlzentrum

Am vergangenen Samstag öffnete Sacramento County die Türen seines ersten Wahllokals für die Wahlen am 5. Juni 2018.

Designing Democracy with the ArtCenter College of Design


Designing Democracy with the ArtCenter College of Design

California Common Cause partners with the ArtCenter College of Design to design creative approaches to the civic engagement challenges we face.

Vote for Prop 71 this June 2018


Vote for Prop 71 this June 2018

California Common Cause urges you to vote YES on Prop 71, which will appear on the June 5, 2018 ballot.



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