Jonathan Mehta Stein

Director ejecutivo

Causa común de California

La Comisión de Redistribución de Distritos de Ciudadanos de California finaliza el proceso de redistribución de distritos independiente, mostrando a la nación cómo se puede lograr una redistribución de distritos participativa

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La Comisión de Redistribución de Distritos de Ciudadanos de California finaliza el proceso de redistribución de distritos independiente, mostrando a la nación cómo se puede lograr una redistribución de distritos participativa

La Comisión trazó nuevos mapas de distritos para nuestra delegación del Congreso, el Senado estatal, la Asamblea estatal y la Junta de Igualación a lo largo de aproximadamente 150 reuniones transmitidas en vivo, incluidas reuniones dedicadas a cada región del estado y reuniones celebradas en una amplia variedad de idiomas.

California Common Cause and Fresno Organizations Call for “Fully Independent” Redistricting in Fresno County

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California Common Cause and Fresno Organizations Call for “Fully Independent” Redistricting in Fresno County

The lack of an independent redistricting commission has opened the door to political interference hindering the community-driven process and has allowed the Board of Supervisors to choose a map that serves the status quo and insulates the incumbency of those already in power.

California Common Cause Calls for “Fully Independent” Commission in Los Angeles

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California Common Cause Calls for “Fully Independent” Commission in Los Angeles

Today California Common Cause issued a letter to the Los Angeles City Council, urging leaders to create an independent redistricting commission. The letter highlights that the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission (LACCRC)’s members are appointed by city council offices and the final district maps will be approved by the City Council. This dynamic has led to extreme political interference, hindering the community-driven process the commission was created to foster.

Advocates File Amicus with California Supreme Court, Letter Urging Extension of Redistricting Deadline

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Advocates File Amicus with California Supreme Court, Letter Urging Extension of Redistricting Deadline

Today, redistricting reform proponents, civil rights groups, and grassroots organizations from across the state filed an amicus letter in support of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission's emergency motion asking the California Supreme Court to extend the Commission's redistricting deadline in light of unprecedented Census delays.

NEW REPORT: How California Expanded Voter Access in 2020 During a Global Pandemic 

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NEW REPORT: How California Expanded Voter Access in 2020 During a Global Pandemic 

After record voter turnout for the November 2020 elections, more than 360 voter suppression laws to limit access to the ballot box have been introduced by legislators in 47 states. Against this backdrop of voter suppression, a new report from California Common Cause shares another story: how California moved swiftly to strengthen access to the ballot in the 2020 general election during the pandemic.    



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