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Ariana Marmolejo

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205 resultados

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It’s not just Trump — California voters can thank themselves for the state’s relevancy in this November’s midterm election

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It’s not just Trump — California voters can thank themselves for the state’s relevancy in this November’s midterm election

Hey, California voter, way to go! People may say you’re sun-baked, a bit too laid back and, when it comes to picking presidents, largely irrelevant. But thanks to you, the state is sitting dead center in the November fight for control of Congress.

LA County to see additional non-English voting help at the polls in November

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LA County to see additional non-English voting help at the polls in November

A new report out Wednesday from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights found continuing voting problems for people of color and people with disabilities. The report took a national view, but some of these challenges have been playing out in California.

Long Beach’s Cambodian residents seek a stronger political voice

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Long Beach’s Cambodian residents seek a stronger political voice

No Cambodian-American serves as an elected official in Long Beach. Residents and activists for the Cambodian community there — the largest in the nation — want to change that. They're pushing the city to draw up new council districts that could effectively give them their own representative.

California Common Cause Urges Governor to Sign Net Neutrality

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California Common Cause Urges Governor to Sign Net Neutrality

Despite the influence of big cable and telephone companies who threw armies of lobbyists to kill net neutrality, the California legislature sided with the residents of California who overwhelmingly support net neutrality.

Defeat Sacramento legislative leaders’ latest shenanigans

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Defeat Sacramento legislative leaders’ latest shenanigans

Rarely are power grabs as transparent as Assembly Bill 84. Introduced by Assemblyman Kevin Mullin, D-San Mateo, the bill would allow legislative leaders to raise and spend much more campaign money than currently allowed. We urge the state Senate to vote it down.

Legislative leaders want to milk more campaign money

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Legislative leaders want to milk more campaign money

“AB 84 would be the biggest rollback of California’s campaign finance law in at least a decade,” Nicolas Heidorn of California Common Cause told the Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee before it voted to approve the measure last week.

An unseemly legislative power grab

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An unseemly legislative power grab

The bill’s supporters are touting AB 84 as a transparency and accountability measure because it would require more frequent disclosures by campaign committees. While we would like to see more frequent campaign disclosures, we are not fooled. Transparency is nothing more than the sweet coating to disguise the bitter taste of a power grab.

Thumbs Down: Just what politics needs. More money.

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Thumbs Down: Just what politics needs. More money.

Raise your hand if you think money plays too big a role in politics. We may be naive, but we wouldn’t be surprised if a few officeholders out there are holding their hands in the air, because they’d like to spend less time with their palms out. It’s expensive to communicate with voters. Mail and advertising cost a lot of money, and legislative candidates can burn a lot of fuel getting around geographically large districts.

California Democratic Party and open-government groups fight proposal to lift contribution limits for legislative leaders

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California Democratic Party and open-government groups fight proposal to lift contribution limits for legislative leaders

Faced with opposition from the California Democratic Party and open-government advocates, divided state lawmakers advanced a bill Tuesday that would increase the amount of campaign money that can be accepted by Democratic and Republican legislative leaders.
The proposal approved Tuesday by a 3-2 vote of the Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee would allow partisan caucuses in the Legislature to accept campaign contributions of $36,000 from individual sources for state races, up from the current limit of $4,400.

California lawmakers advance bill to boost leaders’ power

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California lawmakers advance bill to boost leaders’ power

California lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a bill to let legislative leaders raise and spend more money to help their preferred candidates, despite opposition from open-government groups. The bill would let leaders in the Legislature operate fundraising committees governed like political party committees at the state and county level. Such committees have higher contribution limits than regular campaigns and can give unlimited amounts to help their chosen state candidates.

Equitable Redistricting for Cambodians host community forum on redistricting in Long Beach

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Equitable Redistricting for Cambodians host community forum on redistricting in Long Beach

Dan Vicuna, Common Cause's National Redistricting Manager, and Sylvia Moore, Southern California Organizer for California Common Cause appeared at Equitable Redistricting for Cambodians community forum on redistricting reform in Long Beach at the MAYE Center, Aug. 4, 2018. The Long Beach City Council is poised to ask voters to end political gerrymandering in its city by placing the proposal on the November ballot.



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