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Préparation des élections générales de 2020 dans le comté de Los Angeles

La pandémie de COVID-19 a posé des défis uniques à l’administration électorale. Nous proposons un ensemble de recommandations pour aider à préparer les élections générales de novembre 2020 dans le comté de Los Angeles.

California Common Cause and its partners outline a set of recommendations to help Los Angeles County prepare for the November 2020 elections.  The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an unprecedented challenge to all aspects of life, including our democracy. Los Angeles County took a critical first step by ensuring that every Los Angeles County voter would be sent a ballot by mail beginning this fall in the November 2020 elections.  Thanks to this action, millions of voters can be assured that their right to vote will be maintained  regardless of the status of the pandemic.  But the work does not stop there.

Conducting an election in a safe and healthy manner, without risking the disenfranchisement of our most vulnerable communities, will be exceptionally difficult anywhere, particularly in the largest, most diverse voting jurisdiction in the country. In our letter, we outline recommendations for planning the recently-expanded vote-by-mail program, in-person voting, and public education and engagement for the upcoming November election.

Read our letter to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk at the link below.

Preparing for 2020 Elections – LA County

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