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캘리포니아 공통사안, 남부 캘리포니아 선거 보호 프로그램 시작

6월 7일 예비선거를 며칠 앞두고, 캘리포니아 공통대책위원회는 유권자 억압의 흔적을 없애기 위해 남부 캘리포니아에서 2022년 선거 보호 프로그램을 시작한다고 발표했습니다.

Nonpartisan poll monitoring program designed to curb voter suppression in key counties 

로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아 — Days ahead of the June 7 Primary Election, California Common Cause announced the launch of the 2022 Election Protection Program in Southern California to address any trace of voter suppression. The nonpartisan program will deploy 70 trained poll monitoring volunteers in Riverside, San Diego, and Los Angeles Counties to ensure Californians experience a smooth election process. Both Riverside and San Diego Counties are formally transitioning to a vote center election model permanently starting with June’s primary election.

“Our democracy is strongest when every voter can make their voice heard on Election Day,” said Jonathan Mehta Stein, 캘리포니아 공동사명 전무이사. “Yet we know voters routinely encounter challenges that prevent them from submitting their ballot correctly and on time. Our Election Protection Program volunteers help voters navigate the election system so that every Californian’s vote is fairly counted.”

For the last decade, California Common Cause has spearheaded the Southern California Election Protection Program, leveraging thousands of trained volunteers to serve as voters’ first line of defense when encountering any problems on Election Day. Nonpartisan poll monitors help voters overcome confusing voting rules, outdated infrastructure, rampant misinformation, and needless obstacles to the ballot box.

“No matter the year, Californians are passionate about exercising our freedom to vote,” said Alesandra Lozano, California Common Cause Program Manager for Voting Rights and Redistricting. “But today we know voters face increasing barriers to casting a ballot, including targeted disinformation campaigns designed to confuse and deter voters, particularly voters of color. The Election Protection Program is a key tool in California Common Cause’s mission to protect every voter and the integrity of our election system itself.”

Poll monitors submit reports from each voting location they visit, documenting the voter experience including wait times, tech problems, language and disability access, and compliance with state and federal law. Poll monitors solve problems on the spot and escalate difficult issues to a Command Center staffed by Common Cause attorneys and other staff.

At the conclusion of the program, California Common Cause will publish a post-primary election report that shares election data, giving an overview of poll monitors’ findings, strengths of each county’s election administration, and areas for improvement.

2022년 선거 보호 프로그램에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 여기를 클릭하세요 



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