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“Democracy Is” is a show about how Democracy impacts our lives and how Democracy issues play out in our California communities.

Available on all platforms!

“Can California safeguard against AI’s threat to democracy?”

In this special episode of Democracy Is, we feature CCC’s newest project, the California Initiative for Technology and Democracy — CITED, for short — that seeks solutions to the dangers that AI, disinformation, and deepfakes pose to our elections.

Today, we bring you a recording from CITED’s capitol briefing earlier this year. These two panels feature speakers with unparalleled experience and expertise on the topic.

Join us as we tackle AI and answer the question — is it too late to combat the threat of AI to our democracy?

Listen to our latest episode HERE

Season 1 Episodes

Season 2 Episodes

Meet the Team!

Pedro Hernandez
Maya Chupkov
Alexandra Leal

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