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Here are some reports and other useful resources that contain information on California Common Cause's priorities. If you have other information that you think might be useful to put here, please contact us at (213) 623-1216.

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Assessing LA County's New Voting System Rollout in the March 2020 Primary Election. With 36 Recommendations for Improvement.

Common Cause deployed poll monitors to more than 150 Los Angeles County vote centers on Election Day and in the early vote period. In this report, we detail our findings and provide 36 recommendations for improving the voting system in Los Angeles County for the November 2020 election and beyond.


Letter to CA Citizens Redistricting Commission Regarding Selection of Remaining Commissioners

As you are aware, the random drawing to select the first eight commissioners resulted in zero Latinos being selected. In a state where Latinos comprise nearly 40 percent of the total population and nearly one third of its citizen voting age population, a lack of Latino representation on the Commission would be unacceptable. Fortunately, you have the power, and the legal obligation, to rectify the dramatic underrepresentation of Latinos when you make your determinations regarding the final six commissioners.

Legislature of State of California v. Padilla

Legal Filing/LitigationLetter

Due to COVID-19 delaying the 2020 Census, redistricting advocates including former Gov. Schwarzenegger, Common Cause and the League of Women Voters of California sign an amicus letter urging the California Supreme Court to extend redistricting deadlines. This will preserve the drawing of new voting maps for the next decade.


Student Activist Training Guidebook


Each summer, California Common Cause invests in bringing undergrad students from across California to our free Student Activist Training over the summer. This comprehensive guidebook serves as a resource for students enrolled in the program, teaching them the fundamentals of how to organize an issue campaign.

Voting & Elections 07.27.2018

Best Election Practices: Creating Voter-Centric Elections


California Common Cause continued its Election Protection program in the June 2018 primary election. In this effort, we also observed the launch of the Voter's Choice Act in 3 counties (San Mateo, Sacramento, and Napa) while monitoring pollworker conduct and general election administration practices. Based on our observations, we developed this report to highlight some best practices and recommendations to address common issues we observed.

Voting & Elections 03.20.2018

California Voter’s Choice Act

Fact Sheet

The California Voter's Choice Act (VCA) was co-sponsored by Senator Allen and Senator Hertzberg to make voting more convenient and accessible in participating counties. For questions, contact Kiyana Asemanfar, Policy Outreach Coordinator.

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