Местное перераспределение избирательных округов

Избиратели должны выбирать своих представителей; представители не должны выбирать своих избирателей.

California Common Cause is leading the way in ending redistricting abuse at the state and local level. In 2008, we ended partisan gerrymandering of state and congressional lines with the establishment of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, a citizens commission that ensures voters’ — not politicians’ — interests come first. We have successfully enacted similar reforms for fair, impartial, and representative redistricting at the local level — because democracy matters at all levels of government.

In the 2020 local redistricting cycle, we developed resources to educate community groups, local jurisdictions, and members of the public about the process, including overviews of requirements and best practices and materials to help engage communities in their local redistricting process. We watchdogged the redistricting process in over 60 cities, counties, and school boards. Our work led to more participatory, more fair, and more equitable redistricting processes at both the local and state level throughout California as communities were empowered to make their voices heard.

With California’s latest redistricting cycle concluded, we published a report evaluating the state’s experience and preparing comprehensive legislative reforms to bring independent redistricting to local jurisdictions and to further center the process around the needs of people and communities, not politicians.

Лос-Анджелес Справедливое изменение границ 

As the City of Los Angeles begins the community conversation to create an independent redistricting commission (IRC), California Common Cause has outlined five essential elements that must be prioritized if the commission is to be truly independent and worthy of the public’s trust.

California Common Cause will be watchdogging this process to ensure that Angelenos get the equitable representation they deserve through an independent redistricting commission.

Our Report

Serving as the report of record for the 2020 local redistricting cycle, Обещание честных карт предлагает решения наиболее серьезных проблем, выявленных для создания инклюзивной и представительной демократии посредством перераспределения избирательных округов.

This report takes a step back to evaluate the effectiveness of the FAIR MAPS Act and related redistricting reforms at encouraging meaningful public participation and promoting the adoption of maps that better reflect and empower a jurisdiction’s diverse communities.

В отчете рассматриваются пять ключевых областей процесса перераспределения избирательных округов — сроки, прозрачность процесса, участие общественности в процессе, критерии разграничения и использование независимых и консультативных комиссий по перераспределению избирательных округов, — которые существенно изменили этот цикл по сравнению с предыдущими циклами.

Areas with Independent Redistricting Commissions

In 2016, Common Cause sponsored Senate Bill 1108 which, for the first time, authorized all California cities and counties to create independent citizens commissions to redraw district lines, instead of leaving this power to electorally self-interested incumbents. Common Cause has also supported the creation of independent commissions in cities across the state, including San Diego, Oakland, and Sacramento. These commissions are national models for local reform.

In 2020 and 2021, cities and counties with local commissions will be recruiting residents to serve on their commissions to help lead the line-drawing process.

If you or your organization would like to play a role in supporting and implementing independent redistricting commissions, please contact the California Common Cause team at RedistrictingCA@commoncause.org

County Independent Redistricting Commissions

City Independent Redistricting Commissions

City Advisory Redistricting Commissions

City Hybrid Redistricting Commissions

Our Local Redistricting Campaigns

In 2016, Common Cause sponsored Senate Bill 1108 which, for the first time, authorized all California cities and counties to create independent citizens commissions to redraw district lines, instead of leaving this power to electorally self-interested incumbents. Common Cause has also supported the creation of independent commissions in cities across the state, including San Diego, Oakland, and Sacramento. These commissions are national models for local reform.

We’re running campaigns to bring independent redistricting to the following cities and counties:



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