




205 个结果





205 个结果



Will California Democrats be hypocrites on campaign donations?


Will California Democrats be hypocrites on campaign donations?

In 2014, the California Legislature made a big deal of calling for a constitutional convention to overturn the Citizens United ruling, which allows unlimited corporate and union spending in campaigns.

Now, in 2018, some legislators are pushing a bill that critics say will open the floodgates to special interest money in legislative races, as soon as the November election.

It’s not only hypocritical, it’s a bad idea. Assembly Bill 84 should get a quick death before the Senate Elections Committee on Tuesday.

Good Government Groups Unite Against AB 84


Good Government Groups Unite Against AB 84

SACRAMENTO, Wednesday, August 8, 2018 — A group of California’s major good government organizations announced their joint opposition to AB 84 today and urged California senators to put a brick on the bill before it fast-tracks a flood of special interest campaign donations to legislative leaders.

Forum on How to End Gerrymandering in Long Beach


Forum on How to End Gerrymandering in Long Beach

LONG BEACH, Monday, July 30, 2018 - California Common Cause and Equity for Cambodians are inviting community members to a public forum August 4 to learn more about how a proposal to create an independent citizens redistricting commission to draw Long Beach City Council districts will make redistricting more responsive to Long Beach communities. The Long Beach City Council is poised to ask voters to end political gerrymandering in its city by placing the proposal on the November ballot.

Voting rights groups praise California Motor Voter for reaching nearly 800,000 voter registration transactions


Voting rights groups praise California Motor Voter for reaching nearly 800,000 voter registration transactions

California voting rights organizations today praised the California Motor Voter program for dramatically increasing statewide voter registration. The joint effort between the Secretary of State and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) processed nearly 800,000 voter registration transactions at the DMV from April through June and ensures voter registration will be convenient and voter rolls more accurate going forward.

California’s political watchdog panel balks at lifting donor limits for legislative leaders


California’s political watchdog panel balks at lifting donor limits for legislative leaders

alifornia’s political watchdog panel deadlocked Thursday over allowing legislative leaders to accept much larger campaign contributions, after several open-government groups said the proposal raises “important concerns” about increasing the influence of special interests.

More campaign money could flow to California legislative leaders under new bill


More campaign money could flow to California legislative leaders under new bill

Special interests could put more money directly into the hands of California legislative leaders, giving them greater influence over campaigns, under a bill unveiled last week as lawmakers left Sacramento for summer recess.

Is Montebello fair in how it allocates road repair money?


Is Montebello fair in how it allocates road repair money?

“Generally speaking as a matter of practice, most city council members will recuse themselves on votes that impact their own personal street,” Feng said. “(But) recusal rules only apply when somebody has a direct financial interest.”

PG&E is spending big in Sacramento as it struggles with costs of North Bay fires


PG&E is spending big in Sacramento as it struggles with costs of North Bay fires

“Nothing discloses how much money is going for a bill,” Heidorn said. Unless there is a reportable individual expense, like Dodd’s breakfast, the public is entitled to “absolutely nothing” about meetings between lobbyists and lawmakers, he said.

Five proposed charter amendments introduced at Long Beach City Council meeting


Five proposed charter amendments introduced at Long Beach City Council meeting

Sylvia Moore, the Southern California organizer for Common Cause, said at Tuesday’s meeting that if Long Beach were to create a redistricting commission, it would be a “milestone” achievement for California because half of the state’s 10 largest cities would have such a system for drawing districts.“ Long Beach would be a statewide leader in good governance,” Moore said.



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