




205 个结果





205 个结果



How California moved to the future of voting during a pandemic


How California moved to the future of voting during a pandemic

Yet Asemanfar said her group’s Election Protection Program has observed perks with the early voting period, including the ability to fine-tune technology and fix errors without the crush of voters around. It’s also a chance for local groups to turn out the vote by holding community events around vote centers, she said.

“We just need to acknowledge that it’s a new model, and a lot of voters are learning about it for the first time,” Asemanfar said. “There are a lot of conversations taking place for what the next steps...

Inglewood caps campaign contributions at $100,000 to avoid new state law


Inglewood caps campaign contributions at $100,000 to avoid new state law

“Campaign finance is a constant game of cat and mouse. As soon as states and cities institute campaign finance laws, bad actors try to circumvent them,” California Common Cause campaign finance consultant Sean McMorris said. “They’re essentially rolling out the red carpet for moneyed interests and saying we don’t care what anyone thinks.”

Assemblyman Appoints His Mother to Fresno Agency Board. Is it Nepotism?


Assemblyman Appoints His Mother to Fresno Agency Board. Is it Nepotism?

Sean McMorris, a policy consultant with the non-partisan good government group California Common Cause, said the move raises questions. “In general, it is frowned upon and viewed as unethical when an elected appoints a family member or a close friend or relative to a position,” McMorris said.




加州共同事业组织的乔纳森·梅塔·斯坦 (Jonathan Mehta Stein) 在傍晚时分将河滨县描述为“一片混乱”,称选民在大约 10 个投票地点等待了 45 分钟到两个小时。河滨县的选民晚上 8 点后仍在排队

A few glitches, but election day has generally gone smoothly in California


A few glitches, but election day has generally gone smoothly in California

Even those who were registered found themselves delayed by other problems, including an “antiquated” check-in process to ensure they hadn’t voted twice — something every county must do this year, but that only Riverside did by hand, said Jonathan Mehta Stein of California Common Cause.

Here’s what we’ll know — and what we won’t — on election night in California


Here’s what we’ll know — and what we won’t — on election night in California

In California, mail ballots can arrive up to 17 days after the election (though they still have to be postmarked by Nov. 3).
So how to approach the evening? “Patience, patience, patience,” said Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of Common Cause California, a nonprofit focused on election transparency and democracy. “We’re trying to tell everybody that a long vote count means we’re doing everything we can to count every eligible vote,” he said. “It’s a feature, not a bug, of our democracy.”

SCCOE Trustee Joe DiSalvo Used Public Resources to Solicit Campaign Contributions


SCCOE Trustee Joe DiSalvo Used Public Resources to Solicit Campaign Contributions

Sean McMorris, a consultant with good government agency California Common Cause, says the state law “is clear that public resources cannot be used ‘for campaign activity, or personal or other purposes.’ While using a government email account for re-election fundraising might fall within the minimal use exception in the law, depending on the circumstances, it likely violates the letter and certainly the spirit of the law,” he said. “That said, many would agree that an elected official using their government email to fundraise for...

Tips to Make Last-Minute Voting a Breeze


Tips to Make Last-Minute Voting a Breeze

"In California, a ballot can get to an elections office up to 17 days after Election Day and still be counted," Stein explained. "So just because you're close to Election Day, doesn't mean you have to abandon USPS as an option. You just have to make sure that your ballot is postmarked by Election Day."

$2.2 亿美元!加州一项提案之争?以下是 2020 年大选的花销大户


$2.2 亿美元!加州一项提案之争?以下是 2020 年大选的花销大户

Uber, Lyft and other tech companies have raised roughly $200 million on Proposition 22.

All the spending — especially after 2010’s Citizens United ruling gave big corporations and unions the right to spend huge sums — rubs some people the wrong way.

“So now you have a situation where, if money is speech, speech isn’t free,” said Sean McMorris of California Common Cause, an organization that has called for more transparency in elections. “You have more money, more speech.”



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