

上周,加州公平政治实践委员会以 2-2 投票,拒绝批准一项提案,该提案将赋予州立法领导人更大的权力和筹款能力,同时制定新的报告要求。加州共同事业和其他开放政府组织警告不要快速批准该提案。 

上周,加州公平政治实践委员会以 2-2 投票,拒绝批准一项提案,该提案将赋予州立法领导人更大的权力和筹款能力,同时制定新的报告要求。加州共同事业和其他开放政府组织警告不要快速批准该提案。

AB 84 was originally introduced as a bill to move primaries from June to March, which would have empowered California voters to have more influence on candidates on the national stage. But during legislative recess, that reform was quietly removed and replaced with language that dramatically increased the donor limits and fundraising capacity of Democratic and Republican caucus leaders.

As currently written, AB 84 would allow caucus leaders to accept individual campaign contributions of up to $36,000 per source for races they are targeting, an eight-fold increase from the current $4,400 limit.

Common Cause California has not issued an official position on AB 84, which was quietly introduced over the July 4 holiday and has not gone through the typical review process. Last week we joined several open government groups in urging the FCCP to take more time to review the proposal.

Let us know what you think. Read the LA Times coverage of the vote, check out the bill, and tell us how we should weigh in next at california@commoncause.org.



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