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Money & Influence 07.17.2019

CNBC: Jared Kushner has been meeting with Trump campaign officials to discuss 2020 fundraising and spending strategy

Paul Seamus Ryan, a litigator at ethics watchdog Common Cause, told CNBC that unless Kushner has been soliciting donations, he's probably not violating the Hatch Act. "Legally I think the question is whether he's soliciting contributions or if he's not. If the answer is no, he's probably not violating the Hatch Act," Ryan said. "If he's only giving strategic advice, that's different from soliciting the money."

Common Cause Launches Campaign to Get Presidential Candidate on the Record About Democracy Reforms

Today, Common Cause is launching a new effort to ensure voters’ right to know where presidential candidates stand on practical solutions to the challenges facing our democracy. The Our Democracy 2020 campaign will focus getting every presidential candidate in the Democratic and Republican primaries to respond to a 17-question survey and inject the high priority conversation on the need for democracy reform in the presidential campaign. 

Trump Drops Census Citizenship Question But Sharpens His Focus on Discriminating Against Immigrants Through Redistricting 

Today, after a week of confusion and contradiction in the Trump Administration, the President announced that he will not pursue a citizenship question on the 2020 Census. To protect a fair and accurate Census, the decision to not add the citizenship question is important.  However, in issuing an executive order to government agencies to hand over citizenship data, President Trump is engaging in an abusive power grab. Attorney General Barr reinforced the Administration’s intent to collect citizenship data for the purposes of reapportionment and redistricting. Using citizenship data to erase millions of people from apportionment and redistricting violates the Constitution.  

The Hill (Op-Ed): For Big Pharma, the revolving door keeps spinning

The revolving door is an age-old problem in Washington but the scope and volume of the conflicts in the current administration - starting with the president himself – is unprecedented and lends new urgency to legislative reforms pending in Congress. The “Executive Branch Conflict of Interest Act”(HR 599/S 156) would curb many of these abuses by mandating recusal periods, prohibiting employer bonuses to those leaving to take government positions, tightening lobbying rules and lengthening “cooling off” periods. Presidential conflicts of interest measures have also been introduced in both the House (HR 1481) and Senate (S 882). Provisions from these bills are also included in a sweeping set of reforms in the “For the People Act” (HR 1/S 949), which passed the House earlier this year.

Trump’s Ploy to Rig 2020 Census is Illegal 

Any action by President Trump to add the citizenship question to the 2020 Census is an illegal, desperate, and ill-fated attempt to further undermine a fair and accurate national headcount. Judges in New York, California, and Maryland, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, have already rejected the Trump administration’s lies about the need for the citizenship question.  

New Common Cause Site Tracks Which Members of Congress Have Actually Read the Mueller Report

Common Cause is tracking which members of Congress have read, or not read, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential election. The new easily searchable “Will Congress Act?” website (willcongressact.org) allows people to see whether their Members have read the report and contact them to ask that they read it if they have not. 

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