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Salon: Lock him up? Bill Barr probably didn't perjure himself — but he's in big trouble anyway

"Barr has displayed great skill in evading questions, in giving incomplete answers to questions, in spinning the contents of the Mueller report through his press conference, through a summary, etc.," said Paul Ryan, vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause. "But he seems like he's also been very skilled in avoiding perjuring himself."

Kellyanne Conway’s Hatch-et Job

Kellyanne Conway is breaking the law. She doesn't care. She works for someone who believes he's above the law, surely that means she is too.

Voting & Elections 04.23.2019

Common Cause Wisconsin, Fair Elections Center & Others Challenge Wisconsin’s Requirements for Student IDs Used as Voter ID

Today, Fair Elections Center and Pines Bach LLP filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, on behalf of Common Cause in Wisconsin and individual plaintiff Ben Quintero, challenging Wisconsin’s unnecessary requirements for student IDs to qualify as voter ID.

Voting & Elections 04.23.2019

ABC News: Supreme Court to decide fate of citizenship question on 2020 census

"The citizenship question is a bald-faced attempt to racially rig the census, undercount communities of color and undermine fair representation which our democracy relies upon," said Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause, a nonpartisan public interest group.

Slate: All the Mistakes Mueller Made in Declining to Prosecute Donald Trump Jr.

Mueller made some other questionable choices. While Trump Jr. could have been charged with illegally coordinating with the Russians to make an illegal foreign expenditure, Mueller describes the law defining coordination as too uncertain. In fact, as Common Cause’s Paul S. Ryan explains in this thread, there is both a federal statute and case law defining the term, and Trump Jr.’s conduct seems to fall within it.

Americans Now Must Hear from Special Counsel Robert Mueller in Open Hearings

Americans Now Must Hear from Special Counsel Robert Mueller in Open Hearings.

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