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Associated Press: GOP scrutiny of Black districts may deepen after court move

The question in Florida, said Dan Vicuna of the anti-gerrymandering group Common Cause, is “will courts put aside whatever are their own personal party preferences and adhere to the law?”

Voting & Elections 02.9.2022

Associated Press: Legal experts baffled by sentence for registering to vote

Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections for the government watchdog group Common Cause, said the case shows how states can fail to educate people about voting rights and voter reenfranchisement. She also called the sentence excessive and said Moses’ race is likely a factor. “It is well understood and well known that the criminal justice system is harsher on Black and brown defendants than it is on white defendants, and there’s plenty of research to show that,” Albert said.

Reuters: Analysis: In U.S. battle over redistricting, competition is the biggest loser

"When politicians draw lines that lock in the winners for the rest of the decade, it creates a disillusionment among voters that elections may not matter, because our voices won't be heard," said Kathay Feng, the national redistricting director for the good government group Common Cause. And without the political middle represented in Congress, "you end up with a dysfunctional body," she said.

Voting & Elections 02.8.2022

CNN: 'It's just a mess': Texas election officials and voting rights advocates face mounting challenges under new restrictive voting law

"Unfortunately, we had a Republican legislature so determined to make it harder to vote that there just was not any thought given to implementation," said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas. "At every level, this is just a mess." Common Cause Texas, like other local groups, has set up a hotline and is calling on voters to educate themselves on the new law. Gutierrez said advocates are also suggesting voters include both ID numbers on their application to ensure they aren't rejected.

Florida Times-Union: Ron DeSantis, critics fight over asking Florida Supreme Court to weigh in on redistricting

Henry Coxe III, an attorney for Common Cause Florida and Fair Districts Now, contended the Florida Constitution does not provide the governor with the right to ask the court to advise him whether he should veto a hypothetical congressional redistricting bill. “Any other result would implicate the constitutional principle of separation of powers by entangling the (Supreme) Court in the legislative drafting process,” Coxe wrote. “This request seeks an advisory opinion purportedly to inform his possible, hypothetical, exercise of his legislative veto power on a bill that has not yet been drafted, much less passed by both houses of the Legislature or presented to the governor for signing,” Coxe wrote. “In this context, it is well-settled that the governor’s query about his veto power asks about a legislative function not susceptible to an advisory opinion. Such a request for guidance from this court before a bill is passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor is improper.”

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Ohio Supreme Court again rejects Republicans’ state legislative maps

Catherine Turcer, director of Common Cause Ohio and a longtime anti-gerrymandering advocate, praised the ruling. "Today's ruling is clear: gerrymandered maps have no place in the state of Ohio," Turcer said in a statement. "Now that the Ohio Redistricting Commission is back to square one, we ask that they finally stop and listen to the voters' demands for a fair redistricting process."

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