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Voting & Elections 08.5.2021

Austin American-Statesman: Abbott calls second special session as House Democrats remain in Washington

"The decision to call a second special session is nothing more than a partisan power grab to distract us from the real challenges our communities face, like taking action to slow the spread of the delta variant and address our failing energy grid," said Stephanie Gómez, associate director of Common Cause Texas.

Voting & Elections 07.30.2021

Associated Press: Experts raise alarms over fundraising for GOP ballot reviews

“You are not giving them a real audit at the end of the day,” Susannah Goodman, an election security expert with Common Cause, said of the GOP reviews in Arizona and elsewhere. “It’s like going to a snake oil medicine doctor and paying him a lot of money and he gives you a bottle of green goop saying this will cure your cancer.”

Media & Democracy 07.26.2021

Common Cause and Over 20 Organizations Demand Facebook Close Loophole That Allows Trump to Remain On Platform Despite Ban

Today, Common Cause and over 20 non-partisan organizations working to combat voter suppression, stop online hate, and ensure all voters have an equal opportunity to participate in the political process, sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg demanding that Facebook close a loophole that has allowed former president Donald Trump to remain a regular presence on the platform despite being “banned” from it. The letter urges Zuckerberg to clearly define what content it considers to be in the voice of public figures and align its content moderation policies with campaign finance law.

Voting & Elections 07.8.2021

NBC News: Texas Republicans revive voting restriction bills to begin special session

“Anyone who wants to go testify, read the bill, they’re going to have 24-36 hours to do it,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a group working to defeat the legislation. “It definitely feels like a complete subversion of democracy to try and get their voter suppression bill passed.”

Voting & Elections 07.6.2021

CNN: Republican candidates back Trump's election lies across the 2021 and 2022 maps

"It might be more palatable and that might just be with the way they've learned to sell themselves, but it really is coming from the same place," said Sylvia Albert, the director of voting and elections for the good-government group Common Cause.

Voting & Elections 07.1.2021

Inside Sources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): Protecting Our Freedoms Through the For the People Act

It’s fitting to talk about this piece of legislation as we near the 245th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence because the For the People Act is, at its core, about freedom. It’s about our freedom to vote and choose the future we want to see for our families and communities; freedom from wealthy special interests corrupting our politics and setting the agenda; freedom from partisan politicians rigging the rules and gerrymandering maps to benefit themselves; freedom to hold those we put in elected office accountable with ironclad ethics laws. To protect these freedoms, the Senate should follow the House’s lead in passing the For the People Act, as well as the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

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