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Center for Public Integrity: Redistricting, Plagued by Delays, Carries High Stakes for Communities of Color

“State legislatures that already have very little incentive to make the process public and include people from traditionally marginalized communities are now going to have the additional excuse that they’re trying to meet a tight time frame,” said Kathay Feng, the national redistricting director for Common Cause, a nonpartisan nonprofit. Feng said Common Cause is working with community organizations to prepare ahead of the data release. They’re also warning them to “be on guard for midnight redistricting sessions” once the data comes out, she said.

Reuters: How the battle over redistricting in 2021 could decide control of the U.S. Congress

“Up until recently, redistricting has been obscure, but also obscured – intentionally so,” said Kathay Feng, national redistricting director for the good government group Common Cause. “That curtain is coming down.”

New York Times: Pennsylvania G.O.P.’s Push for More Power Over Judiciary Raises Alarms

“We are in the last legislative session of this,” said Alexa Grant, a program advocate with Common Cause. “So we are the last line of defense.”

CNN The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer (VIDEO): Trump Facing Legal Trouble Despite Senate Acquittal

Stephen Spaulding, Common Cause: "It is a crime to incite rebellion. And that is a statute that I hope investigators, federal investigators, the District of Columbia, and others will investigate and unspool whether, in fact, he meets that standard."

Justice Must Come from the Courts After GOP Senators Refuse to Convict Twice-Impeached Trump 

Americans remain united in their condemnation of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th and still expect those responsible to be held accountable. Today, the Senate fell just 10 votes shy of the two-thirds majority required to convict twice-impeached former President Donald Trump to hold him accountable for orchestrating and inciting the bloody attack on our democracy that left five people dead, and came dangerously close to many more deaths. Too many GOP Senators, fearing continued bullying from Donald Trump and primary challenges from extremists, chose political expediency and their own reelection over the safety of the nation and the well-being of our democracy.

Common Cause Calls on Senators to Convict Donald Trump

Today, Common Cause called on every Member of the U.S. Senate to vote to convict former President Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection by a mob that stormed the United States Capitol, leaving five dead, in an attempt to stop certification of the legitimate election of Joe Biden as President. The letter urges Senators to defend the Constitution and the rule of law by voting “yes” to convict Trump on the incitement of insurrection article of impeachment, and to follow conviction with a vote to prevent Trump from holding office again. 

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