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More Corporations Distance Themselves from ALEC

Over the last few months major companies including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yelp, Yahoo, International Paper, Occidental Petroleum, News Corp, Overstock.com, SAP America, and AOL have all announced they have left or were leaving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the secretive group that brings state politicians and corporate lobbyists behind closed doors to rewrite our laws.

AOL To End ALEC Membership

Online giant AOL Inc, has decided to end its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Common Cause has learned; a company official confirmed the move today and said the decision was made “a number of weeks ago.”

John Oliver Skewers ALEC

Last night, comedian John Oliver had some choice words for some state legislatures and the extreme bills coming out of them. The whole segment is worth a watch, especially Oliver's send-up of the American Legislative Exchange Council, the shadowy corporate lobby rewriting bills across our nation.

Five Reasons Why eBay Should Leave ALEC

With major tech companies’ recent departure from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group, it’s a wonder why eBay remains a member. We’re asking them to leave – add your voice today!

ALEC’s Corporate Sponsors Should Be Held Accountable For Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize Their Lobbying

Over the past few weeks, a parade of prominent corporations have cut or announced plans to cut their ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The exodus started because of ALEC’s promotion of model legislation that denies climate change science. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said on NPR that Google’s funding of ALEC was “part of a political game” that became a “mistake” for the company because “[t]hey’re just literally lying” about the “facts of climate change.”

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