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Luxury Hotel Is Setting As Lobbyists, Lawmakers Convene In Private to Write Laws

Lobbyists and state legislators in the American Legislative Exchange Council have converged on Dallas this week to coordinate their efforts to pass business-friendly bills in statehouses across America.

ALEC Picked Up Tab for Texas Lawmakers' Junkets

The corporate-backed American Legislative Exchange Council has spent thousands of dollars on "scholarships" that financed state legislator's trips to posh resorts

As ALEC heads to Dallas, who's paying the bills

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive, corporate-backed, lobby will have its annual conference next week in Dallas. More than 1,000 state lawmakers from across the country will convene for closed-door meetings with corporate lobbyists and executives to write “model bills” dealing with everything from education to telecommunications to environmental policy.

Peeking Under the Rock That Is ALEC

A powerful new documentary from Montana PBS, “Brought To You By ALEC,” looks under the rock that is the American Legislative Exchange Council — and what we see isn’t pretty.

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