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Media & Democracy 05.22.2019

DOJ Antitrust Attorneys Reportedly Recommend Agency Block T-Mobile/Sprint Merger

Today, reports indicate that the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division has recommended the agency move to block the T-Mobile-Sprint merger. The reports follow Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai’s recent announcement of his recommended approval of the merger. If approved by both the DOJ and the FCC, the number of national wireless carriers would be reduced from four to three, leading to less competition and higher prices for consumers. Low-income and marginalized communities who disproportionately rely on T-Mobile and Sprint for affordable services may also find themselves priced out of wireless service. Common Cause filed a petition to deny formally opposing the merger.   

Media & Democracy 04.16.2019

Public-Interest and Consumer Groups Deliver 60,000 Petitions from People Opposed to T-Mobile’s Takeover of Sprint

More than 60,000 Americans registered their opposition to the proposed T-Mobile/Sprint merger in a new petition submitted to the FCC on Tuesday by Common Cause, Free Press, Communications Workers of America, Demand Progress Education Fund, and other public interest groups.

Media & Democracy 01.3.2019

Statement on Confirmation of Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr to the FCC

“Congratulations to Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr on their confirmation to the FCC. Returning the FCC to full strength with five commissioners will allow the agency to fully address the communications needs of all Americans. We are particularly pleased that Geoffrey Starks can finally take a seat at the agency. At a time when large telecom and media gatekeepers threaten to harm our democracy, we need another strong voice for protecting an open internet, ensuring all Americans have affordable access to broadband, and putting an end to out-of-control media and telecom consolidation.”

Media & Democracy 12.5.2018

NBC News: Media Mega-Mergers Under Threat with Democrats Controlling the House

“I think the background definitely changes with a flip of the House. There is going to be more oversight, probably some attempts to draw up legislation,” said former FCC commissioner Michael Copps, now an adviser to watchdog group Common Cause.

Media & Democracy 09.26.2018

PC Magazine/FOX News: FCC to cities, states: Knock it off with 5G fees, delays

"The FCC's actions also hurt state and local government abilities to negotiate any public interest obligations like buildout requirements or anti-redlining provisions," Michael Copps, a former Democratic FCC commissioner and Common Cause special adviser, said in a statement. "This gives wireless companies even more of an ability to only deploy 5G to the richest parts of a city, leaving low-income areas unserved." The order, Copps argues, is just "a corporate welfare plan that only widens the digital divide."

Media & Democracy 09.26.2018

FCC Votes To Give Corporate Handout To Telecom Companies on 5G, Widening Digital Divide

Today, the FCC voted on an Order to limit the fees state and local governments can charge wireless companies to attach infrastructure for 5G deployment on public property. 5G is the next generation of wireless broadband service. These price caps will save the industry $2 billion in deployment costs. The FCC’s Order does not impose any deployment requirements or public interest obligations on telecom companies in return for capping fees.

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