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Trump’s Ploy to Rig 2020 Census is Illegal 

Any action by President Trump to add the citizenship question to the 2020 Census is an illegal, desperate, and ill-fated attempt to further undermine a fair and accurate national headcount. Judges in New York, California, and Maryland, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, have already rejected the Trump administration’s lies about the need for the citizenship question.  

Trump Administration Again Attempts to Add Racist Citizenship Question to Census

Now that the Trump Administration’s attempted whitewash of their motives for demanding a citizenship question have been exposed, they are scrambling to contrive a new reason. As the documents of GOP gerrymanderer Thomas Hofeller turned over to attorneys in the Common Cause v. Lewis case show, the purpose of the question has always been to advantage "Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites" in redistricting to the detriment of Latinos and other families of color. Combined with recent statements by ICE officials indicating plans to use census information for immigration enforcement, the true motives - anti-Latino, racial animus - driving addition of the citizenship question is increasingly undeniable.

Caught Lying: Trump Administration Drops Citizenship Question from Census

Today’s decision by the government to move forward with printing the 2020 Census forms without the citizenship question is a victory for a fair and accurate 2020 Census count. The Trump administration’s lies about the need for a citizenship question were suspect from the outset but they were laid bare by the facts brought to light in the documents of the GOP’s top mapmaker Thomas Hofeller. Chief Justice Roberts joined by four other justices, rightly stated that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’s explanation for adding the question was “contrived.”

Associated Press: Files from dead mapmaker focus of NC redistricting hearing

Common Cause's lawyers told a three-judge panel they want to use only 35 of those documents in the trial, scheduled to begin July 15. They say the files will bolster their arguments that Republican legislators drew state legislative districts in August 2017 with excessive partisan intent, in violation of the state constitution.

CNBC: Supreme Court effectively blocks census citizenship question for now in a blow to Trump administration

After Hofeller’s death in August, his estranged daughter discovered hard drives in her father’s home and turned them over to Common Cause. “The Supreme Court saw through the explanations by the Commerce Department as pure pretext. The last-minute effort to add the question was clearly a cover-up to mask their true motives — to rig redistricting for partisan and racial gain,” Kathay Feng, Common Cause’s director of redistricting and representation, said in a statement after the opinion was released.

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