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Money & Influence 09.20.2017

In Seattle Common Cause & CLC File Brief in New Challenge to Citizen-Financed Elections

Today, Common Cause and the Campaign Legal Center filed an amici brief in Washington State’s King County Superior Court in Elster v. City of Seattle in support of the city’s campaign finance voucher program. The brief makes clear that the Seattle program is consistent with a host of other citizen-funded elections programs upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court since campaign finance reforms were enacted in the wake of the Watergate scandals to curb the buying and selling of influence in the halls of government.

Money & Influence 09.18.2017

National Model for Campaign Finance in Peril

Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy is promising to veto a state budget plan that would decimate the Citizens’ Election Program (CEP), a national model for campaign finance reform since its adoption more than a decade ago.

Money & Influence 08.2.2017

Democracy Vouchers Leveling the Political Playing Field in Seattle

There’s news today about an interesting – and promising – experiment in democracy in the Pacific Northwest.

Money & Influence 07.27.2017

Fair Elections Now Introduced in Senate

Wednesday’s introduction of the Fair Elections Now Act deserves a tip of the hat to sponsoring Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL, and his 23 co-sponsors for continuing to stand up for a good idea.

Money & Influence 07.21.2017

Connecticut's Relentless Fight for Clean Elections

For a state formerly known as “Corrupticut,” Connecticut has become a national leader in clean, transparent elections with its model public financing program, the Citizens’ Election Program (CEP).

Money & Influence 06.30.2017

California Common Cause, Allies, Urge Court to Uphold Public Financing

In a post-Citizens United age, when corporations and interest groups can spend whatever they like to influence our elections, it’s more important than ever that we make sure that every American can be heard.

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