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Money & Influence 10.1.2015

Are Small Donors Making A Comeback?

In the post-Citizens United era, sometimes it seems that the only way to run a viable campaign for public office is to rely on donations from deep-pocketed donors and interest groups that inevitably will want favors in return for their financial support.

Money & Influence 08.26.2015

Proof Small Donors Are Good Doesn’t Mean SuperPACs Aren’t Bad

The success of small donors lifting Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson isn’t proof that SuperPACS aren’t a threat – but it is proof that we the people can change the laws and change the system and restore a sense of balance to our democracy by reminding politicians public service is about the public, not the private interests.

Money & Influence 08.20.2015

Why We Need The People's Pledge

With big dollar donors effectively in control of American politics, writing six- and seven-figure checks to super PAC’s to support ad campaigns that confuse viewers and distort the views and records of candidates, it’s no surprise that voters are increasingly cynical about public affairs.

Money & Influence 06.11.2015

Senate Bill Seeks to Enhance Voices of All Americans in our Democracy

Yesterday, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) reintroduced the Fair Elections Now Act, a timely piece of legislation that would dramatically improve how Congressional elections are funded.

Money & Influence 02.25.2015

Common Cause Hails Chicago Vote to Rein In Big Money in Politics

As they made their choices in the most expensive mayoral election in the city’s history, Chicagoans also pleaded for relief from big money’s dominance of local and state politics, Common Cause said tonight.

Money & Influence 02.5.2015

Maryland Governor Makes Election Reform a Top Priority in State of the State Address

Maryland governor backs campaign finance and redistricting reform in State of the State address.

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