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Money & Influence 06.29.2017

DC Moving Ahead on Fair Elections

Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn is among the witnesses this morning as the District of Columbia City Council subcommittee considers the Fair Elections Act of 2017, an ordinance that would add the nation’s capital to the list of jurisdictions embracing a small dollar donor based campaign finance system.

Money & Influence 06.20.2017

Election Day!

The polls are open today in a pair of deep south congressional districts,including one that has become the most expensive congressional election ever and a test of President Trump’s popularity – or lack of it – with suburban voters.

Money & Influence 06.19.2017

The Best Congress Money Can Buy

The most expensive congressional campaign in history ends tomorrow in a suburban district north of Atlanta and while the winner is yet to be determined it’s already clear that he or she will take office beholden to an array of big money donors.

Money & Influence 06.16.2017

Trump's Evolution

President Trump campaigned on promises to “drain the swamp” in Washington, yet on June 8, arguably the darkest day of his presidency to date, one of Trump’s top assistants hosted some of the most mud-covered swamp residents at the White House

Money & Influence 06.12.2017

CHOICE Act Demonstrates Banking Industry's Muscle

Banks are supposed to protect people’s money, and politicians are supposed to represent people’s interests. But a bill which passed the House of Representatives last week would put people’s savings in jeopardy, enrich the banks, and fatten the campaign chests of its congressional supporters.

Money & Influence 06.6.2017

Power Grab from Above

President Trump’s plan to turn air traffic control (ATC) over to the private sector would shift millions of dollars worth of public assets into private hands and potentially provide a multi-billion dollar shot in the arm to the airline industry, a reliable contributor to Trump’s Republican allies on Capitol Hill.

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