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Money & Influence 05.3.2017

New Spending Bill Makes Lawbreaking Easy for Government Contractors

Six hundred twelve pages into the 1,665-page bill that will keep our government open until September lurks a sentence that will make Congress and the president – assuming he signs it – partners in corrupting our elections and government contracting process

Money & Influence 04.17.2017

Victory: Following Complaint, Trump Campaign Changes FEC Filings to Fix False Report

In response to a complaint filed by the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Common Cause with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging President Trump’s campaign was attempting to violate the contribution limits for his 2020 reelection, the latest campaign finance reports show the Trump campaign has redesignated thousands of entries to count against the contributor’s 2020 election limits and not, as originally reported, for the 2016 election.


More than 200 organizations oppose calls for new constitutional convention, warn of dangers

Today 230 national, state, and local groups are releasing a letter in opposition to calls to convene a new constitutional convention.

Maryland Legislature Rescinds Call for Dangerous Constitutional Convention in the Face of Nationwide Special Interests Push

Today the Maryland legislature voted to protect every Americans’ constitutional rights by rescinding its calls for a dangerous Article V constitutional convention. State lawmakers cited the threat of a “runaway convention,” which could result in major changes to the U.S. Constitution and its protections in a process bankrolled by special interests.

Money & Influence 03.31.2017

Big Money's Hidden Role in Defeating Trump-Ryan Health Bill

While progressive grassroots activists rallied Democrats and some moderate Republicans to vote no on President Trump’s and Speaker Ryan’s American Health Care Act (AHCA) last week, a shadowy network of political advocacy groups headed by Charles and David Koch likely dealt the bill its death blow.

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