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Money & Influence 03.8.2017

Trump Urged by Religious & Secular Groups to Preserve Church & Charity Nonpartisanship

Today, 86 religious and secular groups urged President Donald Trump and members of Congress to preserve the Johnson Amendment to keep partisan politics out of 501(c)(3) organizations. The letter emphasized that for more than 60 years the tax code provision has protected the integrity and autonomy of religious and charitable sectors and safeguarded the boundary separating church and state.

Idaho Rejects the 'Dangerous Path'

As right-wing special interests get closer to forcing the convening of a new constitutional convention, legislators in Idaho decided Wednesday to protect voters’ constitutional rights and reject the dangerous idea.

Money & Influence 02.27.2017

SCOTUS Reaffirms Support for Campaign Finance Disclosure

There’s good news this morning from the Supreme Court, which is sticking with its past declarations that campaign finance disclosure requirements are constitutional.

Money & Influence 02.21.2017

Ravel Departing FEC With a Challenge to the President

Through nearly four years as a member of the Federal Election Commission, Ann Ravel fought the good fight to rein in the power of big money in politics; she departs with a challenge to President Trump to overhaul the agency by staffing it with commissioners who are serious about enforcing campaign finance laws.


New Bills Introduced in Kentucky Could Lead to a Constitutional Crisis

As out-of-state special interest groups try to advance dangerous calls for a new constitutional convention, Common Cause Kentucky is urging the legislature to reject these measures.

Money & Influence 02.8.2017

Gorsuch and Democracy Reform: Lots of Unanswered Questions

Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nomination will likely shape the court – and American law -- for decades to come, as it is expected to restore the conservative majority lost when Justice Antonin Scalia died last year. So it’s no wonder that a long list of advocacy organizations, including Common Cause, are now busy dissecting the record of Trump’s nominee, appeals court Judge Neil Gorsuch.

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