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It's time to ask about democracy.

In the next presidential debate, moderators from CNN and ABC will consider asking some of the top 30 questions voted on by the public, so we have the opportunity to ask both candidates about important democracy reforms. These are seven questions that must be asked.

Money & Influence 09.28.2016

Sheldon Adelson gets what he paid for

Americans like to think our government represents all of us, but sometimes in American politics, you get what you pay for.

Money & Influence 09.8.2016

Growing Campaign Calls for Presidential Candidates to First Debate Democracy

Common Cause joins other democracy reform groups urging for the first 2016 general election presidential debate be about democracy.

Money & Influence 09.7.2016

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Stances for the 114th Congress

With Election Day now just two months away, Common Cause released its 2016 Democracy Scorecard that charts the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy.

Money & Influence 08.5.2016

Movement for Black Lives demands a better democracy

Movement for Black Lives demands a better democracy.

Money & Influence 07.20.2016

The Man Who Brought Us Citizens United is Back

Jim Bopp, the Indiana attorney who led the effort to remove all restraints on independent corporate spending in campaigns in the landmark Supreme Court case Citizens United v. FEC (2010), is now leading another effort to weaken federal campaign finance laws.

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