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McAuliffe Probe Underscores Need for Campaign Finance Reform in VA

Common Cause urges Virginians to make campaign finance reform their top priority in 2017 electiions

Money & Influence 04.28.2016

Study Details Clout of Wealthy, White Donors in Chicago Politics

A new report by Common Cause and other advocacy groups shows wealthy, white political donors in Chicago wield power far beyond their proportion of the city's population

Common Cause Urges Presidential Candidates to Adopt Delegate Gift Ban

Letters call on candidates to pledge not to make gifts to convention delegates

Money & Influence 04.14.2016

Democracy Spring Day Three Focuses on Racial Justice

Protestors at the Capitol are building support for campaign finance reform

Common Cause Urges Governors, Mayors to Shut Down Political Non-profits

Mayor Bill de Blasio's Campaign for One New York was the target of complaints about possible campaign finance violations

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