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Money & Influence 08.26.2015

Proof Small Donors Are Good Doesn’t Mean SuperPACs Aren’t Bad

The success of small donors lifting Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson isn’t proof that SuperPACS aren’t a threat – but it is proof that we the people can change the laws and change the system and restore a sense of balance to our democracy by reminding politicians public service is about the public, not the private interests.

Money & Influence 08.4.2015

Forget Big Donors, 2016 Is Going To Be the Election of Mega-Donors

Most of the 2016 presidential candidates and their Super PACs filed campaign finance reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) late last week. These documents give a sneak-peek of how the 2016 election is shaping up to be the election of mega-donors.

Money & Influence 07.22.2015

IRS Should Quickly Issue, Vigorously Enforce New Rules for Political Nonprofits

Common Cause calls on the IRS to force political nonprofits to disclose their donors

Money & Influence 07.17.2015

Donald Trump Comes Clean About Money in Politics, But Doesn’t Offer Solutions

Business mogul, reality TV star, and now presidential candidate Donald Trump seems to understand how politics works these days.

Money & Influence 06.17.2015

The Dream (Nightmare) Comes True: Corporations are People!

Bowing to the inevitable, the Federal Election Commission unveiled new guidelines this morning that would allow corporations to seek public office.

Money & Influence 06.8.2015

Breaking Gridlock at the FEC

After months of speech-making and letter-writing aimed at prodding their colleagues into action, two members of the Federal Election Commission took a new and unprecedented step on Monday to break the agency’s well-documented gridlock.

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