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Citizens United & Amending the Constitution

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Money & Influence 02.12.2015

Common Cause Urges Federal Prosecutors to Closely Monitor Links Between Super PACs and Candidates

Common Cause hails federal prosecution for illegal coordination between a Super PAC and a congressional campaign

Money & Influence 02.5.2015

"Polluting our system"

It's been five years since the Citizens United ruling, and we've been working hard since then to get money out of politics and protect the judiciary from the real threat of politicization. Just last week, the Koch brothers and announced that their network of secretive donors plans to invest nearly $900 million in next year's campaigns. That's more than what either national political party has ever spent on an election cycle, and it exceeds George W. Bush and John Kerry combined spending in their 2004 presidential race.

Money & Influence 02.4.2015

Common Cause Speaks Up For Californians Right to Speak Out

California Common Cause joined with Free Speech For People and other public interest groups in filing a brief this week with the California Supreme Court urging it to give voters a chance to call for the reversal of the Citizens United ruling.

Money & Influence 01.28.2015

Common Cause and Center for Media and Democracy Seek Public Records on Wisconsin Gov. Walker's Trip to Koch Retreat

Watchdog organizations Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy jointly filed a public records request today seeking details of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s trip to a fundraising retreat hosted by billionaire industrialist mega-donors Charles and David Koch in Palm Springs, California.

Money & Influence 01.26.2015

BREAKING: Kochs Plan to Spend $1 Billion in 2016

New reports suggest the Koch are planning on investing over a billion dollars in 2016.

Money & Influence 01.22.2015

Millions Have Already Voted Against Citizens United

In the five years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision allowed unlimited amounts of money to pour into our political system, more than 5.4 million Americans have voted to support a constitutional amendment to eliminate corporate personhood and to restore constitutional rights and fair elections to the people.

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