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Money & Influence 01.13.2015

Whose Government? Whose Voice?

The big money injected into American politics by the Supreme Court’s historic – and fundamentally flawed – decision in Citizens United has blocked action on problems that large majorities of Americans care about most, including stagnant wages, gun control and climate change, Common Cause argues in a report released today.

Money & Influence 01.13.2015

5 Years After Citizens United, We Ask: Whose Government? Whose Voice?

Next week marks the 5th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic – and historically flawed – decision in Citizens United v. FEC decision that declared special interest groups have a right to spend as much as they wish to influence elections.

Money & Influence 12.10.2014

Explanation of Campaign Finance Provision in Congressional Omnibus Spending Bill

A provision in the omnibus spending bill increases the amount an individual donor can give to political party committees by 500%.

Money & Influence 12.10.2014

Omnibus Bill Is A Toxic Cocktail of Giveaways

The omnibus appropriations bill fashioned in secret by congressional leaders this week is larded with goodies for the lawmakers who will be voting on it and the special interests – from the gun lobby to Wall Street – that are their financial patrons, Common Cause said today. If passed, it will include the biggest increase in campaign contribution limits ever enacted by Congress.

Money & Influence 12.10.2014

Omnibus Bill Is A Toxic Cocktail of Giveaways

The omnibus appropriations bill fashioned in secret by congressional leaders this week is larded with goodies for the lawmakers who will be voting on it and the special interests – from the gun lobby to Wall Street – that are their financial patrons, Common Cause said today. If passed, it will include the biggest increase in campaign contribution limits ever enacted by Congress.

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