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Money & Influence 11.5.2014

See who spent the most on Election 2014

Last night's election was the most expensive midterm in our nation's history -- OpenSecrets.org compiled a list of the 25 biggest spenders.

Money & Influence 11.5.2014

Election 2014's Real Winner: Money

With $3.7 billion spent on campaigns this year, the Daily Show congratulates the 2014 election's real winner -- money.

Money & Influence 09.19.2014

Polluter Dark Money Is Silencing Science & Stopping Climate Action

As hundreds of thousands of people join in the People’s Climate March in New York City this weekend, which Common Cause is co-sponsoring, fossil fuel money pumped in our political system remains the most significant threat to not only passing legislation addressing climate change, but also getting members of Congress talk about the issue.

Money & Influence 09.11.2014

Statement by Miles Rapoport on Today’s Vote on the Democracy for All Amendment, S.J. Res 19.

Opponents of the Democracy for All Amendment have spent the past three days arguing that the amendment is a dangerous attack on the First Amendment. Their votes today expose them as the real opponents of free speech, maintaining a system that lets a few wealthy Americans drown out the voices of millions of their fellow citizens.

Money & Influence 09.11.2014

Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on Today’s Vote on the Democracy for All Amendment, S.J. Res 19.

Opponents of the Democracy for All Amendment have spent the past three days arguing that the amendment is a dangerous attack on the First Amendment. Their votes today expose them as the real opponents of free speech, maintaining a system that lets a few wealthy Americans drown out the voices of millions of their fellow citizens.

Money & Influence 09.11.2014

7 Ridiculous Arguments Ted Cruz Made Against the Democracy for All Amendment

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said some very bizarre things on Tuesday as he and his colleagues debated the Democracy for All amendment, which would overturn the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision and allow Congress to again regulate campaign spending.

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