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Money & Influence 08.27.2014

McConnell's Appeal to Millionaire Donors Makes Case for Constitutional Amendment on Political Money

He surely did not intend it, but Sen. Mitch McConnell has made a stunningly compelling case for a constitutional amendment allowing Congress and the states to restore sensible limits on the influence of money in politics. We appreciate his help and his clarity.

Money & Influence 08.27.2014

Seven Disturbing Quotes From the Koch Summit Speeches

Today, The Nation and The Huffington Post published speeches from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and 3 other GOP Senate candidates, Rep. Tom Cotton (AR), state Sen. Joni Ernst (IA), and Rep. Cory Gardner (CO), at a secretive donor summit hosted in June by billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch.

Money & Influence 08.26.2014

Top Five Takeaways From the Latest "John Doe" Documents in Walker Probe

Newly released documents suggest Gov. Scott Walker was coordinating campaign activity with a purportedly independent group, perhaps violating state law

Money & Influence 08.4.2014

Republican Group Launders Secret Cash, But Was It Illegal?

Citizens United invited corporations, unions and other groups to find ways to circumvent longstanding limits on their political spending; a bombshell report today in Politico exposes just how skillfully they’ve answered the challenge.

Money & Influence 07.31.2014

Poll Shows Strong Support for Constitutional Amendment Reining in Big Money

A poll released today underscores the public's revulsion at the power of big money in politics and its support for campaign finance reform

Money & Influence 07.16.2014

Common Cause Statement on Upcoming California Vote on Money in Politics Amendment

Today's announcement that Californians will vote on a proposal to instruct Congress to pass a constitutional amendment reining in the power of big money in our political system is great news for all Americans and our democracy.

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