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Money & Influence 01.30.2014

New Report on Energy Industry Details Contributions and Lobbying Figures, Shows Industry Spent Nearly $3 Billion This Decade

New Report on Energy Industry Details Contributions and Lobbying Figures, Shows Industry Spent Nearly $3 Billion This Decade


Statement by Bob Edgar on Supreme Court decision to hear arguments in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

One Disclosure Victory, But Don't Stop There

One public company may have disclosed its spending, but it's time for the SEC to act so that the rest of them catch up

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Common Cause Hails Senate Move to Debate Constitutional Amendment on Political Spending

Word that the U.S. Senate will finally debate a constitutional amendment to impose reasonable limits on political spending is welcome news for American democracy, Common Cause said today.

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