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Money & Influence 08.1.2017

Getting Their Money's Worth

Major investments in congressional campaigns by health professionals, hospital companies, and health insurers are producing big returns in Congress.

Waist Deep (At Least) and Still Sinking

The swamp that candidate Donald Trump promised to drain is getting deeper six months into President Trump’s administration.

Money & Influence 07.27.2017

Fair Elections Now Introduced in Senate

Wednesday’s introduction of the Fair Elections Now Act deserves a tip of the hat to sponsoring Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL, and his 23 co-sponsors for continuing to stand up for a good idea.

Money & Influence 07.26.2017

Kochs Plan Massive Campaign for Business Tax Cuts

The Koch brothers invested $260 million – more or less – to elect a Congress that will do their bidding; now they and their ultra-wealthy network of business leaders are putting millions more into a “grassroots” lobbying campaign aimed at making their investment pay off in a massive business tax cut.

Money & Influence 07.21.2017

Connecticut's Relentless Fight for Clean Elections

For a state formerly known as “Corrupticut,” Connecticut has become a national leader in clean, transparent elections with its model public financing program, the Citizens’ Election Program (CEP).

Money & Influence 06.30.2017

California Common Cause, Allies, Urge Court to Uphold Public Financing

In a post-Citizens United age, when corporations and interest groups can spend whatever they like to influence our elections, it’s more important than ever that we make sure that every American can be heard.

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