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Money & Influence 12.1.2017

Repeal of the Johnson Amendment Would Be A Sin

As part of the debate over “tax reform,” Congress is toying with legislation that would invite unholy alliances between religion and politics.

Money & Influence 11.28.2017

Court Declines to Overturn Campaign Contribution Caps

A federal appeals court today unanimously upheld longstanding limits on how much each donor can contribute to a House or Senate candidate

Poll: Most Americans Believe Our Political System Is Broken

An overwhelming majority of Americans are profoundly troubled about the condition of our democracy, even as their faith in democratic ideals remains strong, according to a recent Washington Post – University of Maryland poll.

Money & Influence 11.10.2017

Political Donors Seek Return On Investment Through Tax "Reform"

Two senior Republican lawmakers acknowledged this week that campaign donors are a critical force behind their party’s drive to lower corporate and individual tax rates while eliminating or limiting several popular tax deductions.

Money & Influence 11.8.2017

Wisconsin Legislature’s Vote Leaves Nation Only Six States Shy of Article V Constitutional Convention

The Wisconsin Legislature’s vote yesterday to call a constitutional convention under Article V leaves the nation in a perilous position, just six states shy of calling a convention that could lead to the rewrite of the U.S. Constitution.

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