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Money & Influence 11.3.2017

Victory: City of Seattle’s Innovative Public Financing System Will Stand

Today, the city of Seattle’s democracy voucher program has been upheld as constitutional. The Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County issued an opinion finding that the city’s pioneering public financing system is a valid tool for the city government to foster citizen involvement in elections, which is a goal “vital to a self-governing people.”

Money & Influence 10.26.2017

Getting What They Paid For

President Trump's tax "reform" plan is a return on investment for big money campaign donors

Money & Influence 10.19.2017

The Legislature’s rejection of the destruction of the Citizens’ Election Program is a step in right direction

Connecticut deserves honest and responsive elected officials who don’t have to compromise themselves in a constant chase for political contributions. That is exactly what the Citizens’ Election Program provided and the rampant scandals in Hartford finally slowed under the law.

Money & Influence 10.16.2017

Trump's Threat to Quit Iran Deal Reflects Desires of His Biggest Donor

Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, a prominent opponent of the Iran nuclear deal, gave pro-Trump super PACs $35 million.

Money & Influence 10.6.2017

New Report Debunks IRS 'Scandal'

It turns out that liberal and conservative non-profit groups got pretty much the same treatment – slow - from the tax man during the Obama years, the Treasury Department Inspector General has concluded.

Big Energy's Campaign Cash Wins a Big Friend at EPA

Today’s New York Times opens a window into the return big energy is getting on its investments in the 2016 presidential race.

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