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Voting & Elections 02.22.2022

Ms. Magazine (Op-Ed): Our Democracy Has Problems. Women Have Solutions.

My dream is to live in an inclusive democracy that lives up to its promise. Where everyone has a say in the future for their family and community; where anyone can run for public office; where everyone plays by the same fair rules; and where our government reflects who we are because people vote in high numbers. We must not yield to a cynicism that says we can never improve. Making the dream real means ensuring those who represent us are reflective and responsive to the people—not the wealthy who dominate campaign and lobbyist spending. It means ending voter suppression that silences Black and brown voters; replacing unaccountable secret money in elections with small dollar donor laws that shift power from wealthy special interests to the people; ending racial and partisan gerrymandering by shifting power from politicians to impartial commissions; and preventing election sabotage that would steal power from voters by overturning elections. —Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause


USA Today: HBCU bomb threats are a painful reminder of past anti-Black violence, students say

Sophia Parker, who is a Spelman fellow for Common Cause, a nonpartisan group that defends voting rights, said she thinks there's been "a lack of action taken on behalf of Black Americans" when threats are made against them. ... Parker and her fellow Spelman students plan to reach out to elected officials this month. The threats Spelman and other HBCUs faced were, in part, caused by pushes to ban discussions about racism from classrooms , she said. “A lot of my peers who aren’t even that politically involved, at least not as much as I am, are talking about wanting to get involved, just like writing letters to our senators, our representatives, people who are pushing these bills," said Parker.

At Common Cause: Honoring the Past, Present, and Future During Black History Month

As we remember and honor the legacies of Representative John Lewis, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, and many other Black leaders – we also want to take a moment to appreciate the many Black history-makers who work right here at Common Cause. 

Voting & Elections 02.2.2022

Common Cause Statement Urging DOJ to Prioritize Investigation of Bomb Threats at Historically Black Colleges

On January 4, 2022, eight Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) received bomb threats. On January 31, 2022, another six HBCUs received bomb threats, and on February 1, 2022, an additional 12 HBCUs received bomb threats.

Common Cause Announces Nationwide Winners in 2021 “My Voice, My Art, Our Cause” Artivism Contest

The competition, designed by the Common Cause Student Action Alliance, invited youth ages 14-28 to raise their voices on any set of nine democracy issues, including access to voting, campaign finance reform, fighting against gerrymandering, and more.

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