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Richmond Times-Dispatch/InsideSources.com (Op-Ed): Is President Trump solely to blame for the lack of civility in politics?

However, this offensive language and loss of civility in politics goes far beyond Trump. The increased lack of civility in politics and public discourse seems to be more of a symptom of a broken system than a cause. Endless money in politics, hyperpartisan gerrymandering and social media without accountability are largely responsible for the decreasing civility we see today.

Washington Post: Hundreds protest on Capitol grounds after Senate acquits Trump in impeachment vote

“While this is the conclusion of one particular process, this is also a moment where President Trump was, for one of the few times in his life, held accountable for his actions,” said Jesse Littlewood, vice president of campaigns at Common Cause and an organizer of the evening demonstration. Littlewood said having hundreds of people standing outside Congress moments after the impeachment vote will send a symbolic message to legislators about the disappointment many Americans feel.“This is our opportunity to say we’re not going to let Trump run roughshod over our democratic process, that even if the GOP gives [him] a pass, we’re not going to,” he said.

Vox / Center for Public Integrity: How Republicans made millions on the tax cuts they pushed through Congress

Ironically, it was Congress that passed laws that restrict other federal government officials from owning stocks or assets that would benefit from the officials’ decisions — or require them to recuse themselves from such decisions. Yet Congress has not passed legislation that bans itself from the same practice. “Congress should have the same rules put on them that the executive branch has,” said Rotman of Common Cause. “The executive branch conflict of interest rules are stronger.”

Newsday/InsideSources.com (Op-Ed): President Trump should testify in his impeachment trial

With Chief Justice John Roberts sworn in and every senator a duly sworn juror now considering the Articles of impeachment against Donald John Trump, 45th president of the United States, every American, regardless of political belief, must demand fairness, transparency and facts. The chief justice and the Senate must ensure fairness and provide transparency. Trump and his team must tell us the facts or face perjury charges as well.

McConnell’s Proposed Fact-Free Show Trial Would Disgrace the United States Senate

Americans expect and deserve a fair and transparent impeachment trial. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is attempting to deny the country even the pretense of a fair trial. The Senate owes the nation a legitimate trial of President Trump who was impeached by the House of Representatives for abusing the power of his office to deny critical military aid to an U.S. ally in an attempt to coerce them into launching an unwarranted investigation of his political rival Joe Biden. The trial proposal floated by Sen. McConnell would amount to nothing more than a fact-free sham trial perpetrated in the dead of night.

GAO Report Citing Trump Administration for Breaking the Law Shows Courage in Face of White House Intimidation

Americans expect and deserve federal agencies that are able to do their jobs free of White House intimidation. Today’s Government Accountability Office (GAO) report is a simple interpretation of the law, stating that the White House broke the law by withholding congressionally mandated military aid for Ukraine. But it took courage to issue that report in the face of a disturbing pattern of intimidation and retribution that the Trump Administration has unleashed against any and all critics.

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