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Broadcasting & Cable: Common Cause Slams Media Restrictions on Impeachment Trial

"[S]everely restricting their access to Senators comes across as nothing more than a blatant attempt to limit transparency and Member accountability in what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has billed as a show trial to ostensibly 'clear' President Trump of any wrongdoing," said Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. "The American people deserve a transparent impeachment trial, but this is one more attempt to deny that to them. These are reporters who interact with Members of Congress every day in the halls of Congress and penning reporters looks like a dog-and-pony show to allow Senators to dodge tough questions."

Media Restrictions on Impeachment Trial Further Limits Transparency

Keeping reporters in pens and severely restricting their access to Senators comes across as nothing more than a blatant attempt to limit transparency and Member accountability in what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has billed as a show trial to ostensibly “clear” President Trump of any wrongdoing. The American people deserve a transparent impeachment trial, but this is one more attempt to deny that to them. These are reporters who interact with Members of Congress every day in the halls of Congress and penning reporters looks like a dog-and-pony show to allow Senators to dodge tough questions.

San Diego Union-Tribune: Hunter will likely receive his taxpayer-funded congressional pension despite guilty plea

“He pleaded to a single felony but not one that is specifically included in the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act,” said Beth A. Rotman, an attorney who is the money in politics and ethics program director for the good government group Common Cause. Rotman noted that while the law includes many more crimes than it did 20 years ago, “It’s not everything. In cases like this, the desire to keep the pension could be one of the reasons someone accepts a plea that is only a portion of the charges.”

Money & Influence 10.10.2019

VICE News: Kevin McCarthy Is Donating the Cash He Took From Rudy Giuliani's Indicted Pals

“It’s extremely troubling,” said Beth Rotman of Common Cause, a group that filed complaints Federal Election Commission and Department of Justice complaints about the Parnas and Fruman donations. “The money should absolutely be returned. It shows a really problematic appearance of a conflict [of interest].”

The Truth: It’s What the American People Deserve from an Impeachment Inquiry

In this short video, Common Cause Graduate Communications Fellow Kenneth Campbell demonstrates why every American should be demanding an impeachment inquiry now. Thanks also to summer intern Isabel Giovannetti for her work on this and other video projects.

Associated Press: Senate candidate Kelly says he’d release schedule details

Aaron Scherb, director of legislative affairs for the good government group Common Cause, said lawmakers who provide the information helps promote transparency. "It's critically important for the public to have faith and confidence that their elected officials are doing the people's business, not the bidding of special interests," Scherb said.

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