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Media & Democracy 01.22.2022

Tech Policy Press (Op-Ed): Meeting the Moment: Action Congress Can Take Now to Combat Election Disinformation

Congressional action alone cannot solve the problem. A holistic approach to holding platforms accountable also requires regulatory reform, executive action, and corporate accountability. The White House must continue to push relevant federal agencies to use their enforcement, rule-making, and investigatory authorities to go after some of the most harmful business practices of the big tech companies – invasive data collection, inconsistent content moderation, discriminatory uses of algorithms, and more.  The new year represents a tremendous opportunity for Congress to return power to the people and hold big tech accountable. 

Media & Democracy 01.22.2022

Los Angeles Times: Why pay TV operators are dropping Trump-loving cable networks

“The network is a known perpetrator of disinformation and extremism, fueling real-world violence and placing the health and safety of so many in jeopardy,” said Yosef Getachew, director of Common Cause Media & Democracy Program.

Money & Influence 01.8.2022

CT Insider: Report: Cigna announced the end of political contributions, then renewed them

Cigna seems to be caught in a moral miscue, Cheri Quickmire, executive director of the elections watchdog Common Cause in Connecticut, said. “They weren’t being truthful when they made that pledge,” Quickmire said Thursday. “They had no interest. They wanted to get some press and attention by making the declaration. But clearly if it resumes so quickly it wasn’t sincere.”

Media & Democracy 12.7.2021

Broadcasting & Cable: D.C. Applauds Chairwoman Rosenworcel Confirmation to FCC

“It was a long and winding road for Jessica Rosenworcel, but she stayed the course and good sense has now finally prevailed with today’s Senate vote," said Common Cause special advisor Michael Copps, himself a former acting FCC chairman and Rosenworcel's former boss when she was on his FCC staff. "Jessica faces a daunting agenda as chair but she has the experience and dedication to make historic progress leading the FCC. Past commission mistakes must be corrected and new trails blazed to provide our country with the communications ecosystem our democracy so clearly must have." Copps also put in a plug for confirming a third Democrat to the commission so Rosenworcel has a majority. "Needed now is a fifth commissioner, so that a full FCC can get on with its important mandate of protecting the public interest.”

Media & Democracy 12.7.2021

Common Cause Applauds Confirmation of Jessica Rosenworcel as FCC Chair

“It was a long and winding road for Jessica Rosenworcel, but she stayed the course and good sense has now finally prevailed with today’s Senate vote. Jessica faces a daunting agenda as chair but she has the experience and dedication to make historic progress leading the FCC. Past commission mistakes must be corrected and new trails blazed to provide our country with the communications ecosystem our democracy so clearly must have. Needed now is a fifth commissioner, so that a full FCC can get on with its important mandate of protecting the public interest.” - Michael Copps, Former FCC Commissioner and Common Cause Special Adviser

Media & Democracy 11.18.2021

Broadband Fuels Our Democracy. Title II Protects Our Digital Rights.

Title II protects the digital rights everyone expects when going online. The largest ISPs in this country hold tremendous control over who can access the internet and what that access looks like. This unfettered control gives ISPs the ability and incentive to engage in discriminatory practices that undermine our digital rights.

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