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Money & Influence 01.19.2018

Trump Payment May Have Broken Campaign Finance Law

Did President Trump or someone close to him make an indirect and likely illegal contribution to his 2016 campaign to buy the silence of an “adult” film star?.

Money & Influence 12.19.2017

Mayor de Blasio Taking a Dip In Iowa Waters

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is headed to Iowa. Is he "testing the waters" for a presidential campaign?

Money & Influence 12.1.2017

Repeal of the Johnson Amendment Would Be A Sin

As part of the debate over “tax reform,” Congress is toying with legislation that would invite unholy alliances between religion and politics.

Congress Under Pressure to Disclose Harassment Settlements

Amid mushrooming evidence of sexual misconduct by lawmakers there's growing bipartisan support for releasing the names of senators and congressmen who’ve settled sexual harassment complaints.

Money & Influence 11.22.2017

Anonymous Donor Footed Most of the Bill For Gorsuch Confirmation

A single, anonymous donor provided nearly $28.5 million last year to help support the campaign behind the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Money & Influence 11.16.2017

FEC Agrees to Consider Disclosure Rule for Online Political Ads

The Federal Election Commission, arguably government’s most dysfunctional agency, actually did something this morning.

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