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Money & Influence 05.4.2017

Trump Executive Order Will Encourage Some Religious & Charitable Groups to Flood Elections with More Secret Money

Today’s executive order is just an expansion of the disastrous Supreme Court Citizens United decision which opened the floodgates of secret money into our elections, taking the buying of influence from elected officials into the shadows and away from public view.

Money & Influence 05.3.2017

New Spending Bill Makes Lawbreaking Easy for Government Contractors

Six hundred twelve pages into the 1,665-page bill that will keep our government open until September lurks a sentence that will make Congress and the president – assuming he signs it – partners in corrupting our elections and government contracting process

Money & Influence 03.27.2017

On BCRA's Anniversary, A Reminder

On the 15th anniversary of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), it’s worth noting that not so long ago there was a bipartisan consensus that our campaign finance system is corroding our democracy and a bipartisan commitment to improve it.

Trump Team Hires Denizens of "the Swamp"

President Trump was elected largely on his memorable promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington. He never mentioned his plan to provide federal jobs to its former inhabitants.

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