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Money & Influence 06.28.2016

High Court Delivers a Victory for Transparency but Delaware Can Do More

Common Cause calls on Delaware officials to strengthen anti-corruption statutes as Supreme Court upholds disclosure law.

High Court Decision Entrenches Pay-to-Play Politics

The Supreme Court's disappointing decision in the corruption case of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell lays bare a serious weakness in federal law

Money & Influence 06.23.2016

NEW REPORT: Shining a Light, Success of the Massachusetts Disclosure Law

Check out the new Common Cause Massachusetts Report - Shining a Light: Success of the Massachusetts Disclosure Law

Money & Influence 06.17.2016

Common Cause Applauds Funding to Modernize California’s Campaign Finance Disclosure Website

The California Legislature passed its budget passed Wednesday that includes $1.8 million for modernizing Cal-Access, the state's online campaign finance system.

Money & Influence 06.15.2016

Congressional Attacks on Koskinen Are a Political Stunt

Common Cause leader says IRS chief's critics are really trying to shield anonymous political donors from scrutiny

Money & Influence 06.13.2016

Tweet Video @POTUS: It’s Time to Sign, Strike a Blow Against Citizens United

Every American has a right to know that the companies doing business with our government aren’t gaming the system by spending huge amounts of money in politics to help them secure huge government contracts.

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