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Money & Influence 11.10.2015

Nearly 1 Million Petition Obama to Order Federal Contractors to Disclose Political Spending

Common Cause and several coalition partners delivered petitions signed by nearly 1 million Americans to the White House today, asking President Obama to order federal contractors to disclose their political spending.

Media & Democracy 10.29.2015

Groups Urge FCC to Force Disclosure of Political Ad Donors

With the presidential election just a year away and critical primaries and caucuses beginning in a few weeks, a coalition of legal and civic advocacy groups called on the Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday to require broadcasters to disclose the “true sponsors” of political advertising.

Money & Influence 10.27.2015

Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on Today’s Filing of a Resolution Calling for the Impeachment of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

“Chairman Chaffetz and others in and outside of Congress who are preventing the IRS from doing its job are pulling another stunt to divert public and press attention from the real IRS scandal: the agency’s failure to set out clear guidance on the limits -- for tax purposes -- of political activity by social welfare organizations.

Money & Influence 10.27.2015

Common Cause Pushes FEC to Toughen Disclosure Requirements

The Federal Election Commission should revamp its rules governing political fundraising and spending to give voters a fuller picture of who is spending money to influence their votes, Common Cause said in a written submission to the FEC on Tuesday.

Money & Influence 10.23.2015

With DoJ Investigation Complete, IRS Should Re-focus on Writing Clear Rules for Political Nonprofits

“The side-show around Lois Lerner is no longer an excuse for the IRS's failure to provide clear guidance on the limits -- for tax purposes -- of political activity by social welfare organizations. There’s a direct link between the ‘mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia’ identified by the Justice Department today and the IRS’ loophole-ridden regulations on campaign-related political activities by ‘social welfare’ nonprofit organizations. It's long past time to rewrite and reform these rules.

Money & Influence 10.16.2015

Jeb Bush says he supports disclosure, so here are a few policies he could endorse

In releasing the names of Jeb Bush’s financial bundlers yesterday, the former Florida governor’s presidential campaign said Bush is “committed to transparency.”

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