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Media & Democracy 02.9.2015

Copy of A Most Unvirtuous Circle

It’s shaping up as a great political year ahead—if you are a billionaire with an axe to grind or a broadcast or cable operator.

We’ll Hold Governor Cuomo Accountable

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today his support for important ethics and campaign finance changes proposed by Common Cause New York and other public interest allies in the wake of the arrest of New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.

Money & Influence 01.30.2015

Great GASB! Common Cause Backs Proposed Rules to Disclose Cost of State and Local Corporate Tax Breaks;

Common Cause joined today in calls for an overhaul of outdated and incomplete government accounting practices that hide the true cost of billions of dollars in tax breaks granted to corporations by state and local governments every year.

Money & Influence 01.22.2015

Top Federal Contractors Spent $30.6 Million on the 2014 Election (That We Know About)

A new Common Cause analysis shows that the top 25 federal government contractors contributed more than $30.6 million to influence the 2014 congressional elections.

Money & Influence 01.21.2015

7 Bills To Defend Our Democracy

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court's disastrous ruling in Citizens United, and to commemorate the occasion, lawmakers are proposing a slate of 7 bills to put our government back in the people's hands

Money & Influence 11.7.2014

Tallahassee Makes History

Last Tuesday, the City of Tallahassee passed a landmark anti-corruption ballot measure that stops political bribery, exposes dark money, and empowers every voter to be heard -- the first of its kind in the nation.

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